


狼烟起  江山北望

The war erupts, in the northern ground

龙起卷 马长嘶 箭气如霜

Dragon hover,the horse neigh, I wield my bow on

心似黄河  水茫茫

Like river,my thoughts flow along

20年  纵横间  谁能相抗

All over the world,I've fought so long

恨欲狂  长刀所向

My hate burns,and take a sword on


Thoundsands soldiers let their lives gone

何惜百死  报家国

I would present my life,defend my hometown

忍叹惜 更无语  血泪满眶

Words hold my tongue,but tears flow down

马蹄南去  人北望

Husten for battle,while yearning my hometown

人北望  草青黄  尘飞扬

Where the grass withered,and the dust run

我愿守土  复开疆

I vow to defend my country,and to expand

堂堂刺客 要让四方

Nothing is true,everything is permitted


Force templar to cong

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